Install and Practice

For homework, you have two tasks.

Installing the Software

To use your Arduino, you will need to install the software.

Go ahead and install version 1.5.7 BETA.

Installing ArduBlock

First, download ArduBlock. We are using a cutting-edge version. This downloads a file called ardublock-beta-20140828.jar.

Once you have downloaded it, follow the installation instructions. Pay attention to detail, go slowly, and you should achieve Great Success.


Finally, you have some practicing to do. Specifically, I want to get you thinking about sequence of operations, looping, and other concepts that will be essential to programming the Arduino.

Linked here is a new tool for introducing these concepts, which is (admittedly) a bit cute.

Help Gidget

Work your way through the first set of exercises (roughly 7).


There are three reflection questions posted that you an answer directly in Moodle.